viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

essay and email

Writing an essay:

Teaching English to very young people is a waste of time

Learning foreign languages at earlier ages is a controversed topic.  In my view, stating learn English when you are a child improves the cognitive development of students, in addition they learn another language.

On the one hand, English gives to our young pupils a lot of resources for the future, If you learn  English when you are a young learner; you will talk with fluency when you grown.

On the other hand, this methodology improves students learning due to the fact that students who learn more than language are working their brain plasticity, increasing the quality of learning in all parts of their development.

To sum up, I believe teaching English to very young students will be an advantage to improve knowledge at school.

Writing an email:

To: Aida
From: Laura
Date: 18/05/2012
Subject: Help!

Dear Aida,
The last time that we talked, I was working in Pacha Kids and I was so nervous about the next year at college.

The summer ended and I started my first year at college and we have a great pressure here! We have a lot of subjects, a lot of projects, a lot of exams! I’m afraid Aida! Hahaha

But seriously, I’m afraid about exams because It’ll be the first time for me! I don’t know how they will be and I need some advice about preparing my exams… Could you help me? I guess you’ll be here this year! I miss you so much!

Write to me soon my darling! I think you have good news to tell! Be careful and send regards to your parents!



P.S: I’m sending you a photo of last summer in Cala d’Hort! You remember?hahaha

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

Why to be a teacher?

First of all, my name is Laura, I am twenty-one years old and this is my first year at university, where I am studiying early childhood Education in order to become qualified to start my own nursery school in the future.

On the one hand, I have always loved caring for children and playing with them, on the other hand, over time, I made up my mind that I not only wanted to be a teacher because I liked kids, but also because it is the opportunity to teach children to have their own opinion, values and motivate them to develop culturally and personally.

In fact,  I believe that it is my chance to help children become independent adults and consequently, contribute to improve the educational standards which are nowadays in decline.  

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jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011


Hola! Soc na Laura i aquest any he començat a cursar el primer curs de grau d'Educació Infantil a Eivissa. Anteriorment vaig realitzar un cicle formatiu de grau superior d'educació infantil a Sant Antoni de Portmany, el que ha fet que aquest any pugues entrar a l'universitat. Estic molt contenta i tenc moltes ganes de continuar amb els meus estudis, aixi que esper aprofitar es temps i que tot vagui bé!